Welcome to the EpiPen® (Adrenaline) website

Please select the option below that applies to you.

These pages are intended only for patients, parents or carers of those prescribed an EpiPen®.

Takes you to a website intended for people (not patients) looking to find out more information about EpiPen® and anaphylaxis.

These pages are intended for UK healthcare professionals who would like more information on EpiPen®.

This website is owned and managed by Viatris. Viatris is unable to provide advice on personal medical matters. Please consult your doctor or other relevant health care professional for health-related advice and support.

The active ingredient and instructions for use are the same for the EpiPen® and EpiPen® Jr so the information in this website is applicable whether you have been prescribed EpiPen® or EpiPen® Jr and the term EpiPen® used throughout applies to both.